The heart:: Cardiology - The heart and circulatory system, coronary artery disease, blood pressure measurement, BP normal values, hypertension and prognostic table, white coat hypertension and hypertension resistant to treatment, coronary risk score, angina, heart attack, first heart attac risk test, valve diseases, atrial fibrillation, stroke
- LARN, BMI, W/H ratio, Healthy
diet, Food
pyramid,Mediterranean diet
Diabetes & dislipidemias: a quick guide to cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome
Dental Hygiene c/o Agnese Saladino, MD under construction
Orthopaedics c/o Franco Piccione, MD., Orthopaedic Diseases in the Mediterranean Area, Osteoarthritis, Arthroprosthesis, Osteoporosis, Malignant tumours, T.B.C. of the Bone, Malformations of the spinal column.
Pulmonary allergies c/o Marcello Zammito, MD What’s allergy?, Which therapy in allergy? Which prevention in allergy?