Stress test

A stress test is any type of test that puts an added stress on the heart, makes your heart  work harder, and than tries to detect if the heart is receiving sufficient oxygen. The test can be carried out either by a bicycle or by a treadmill. During the test the ECG and blood  pressure are carefully monitored. The test is stopped when you develop chest pain or become fatigued, or if the ECG monitor shows changes that suggest a reduced supply of oxygen to the heart. The test may also be stopped if it felt that you have exercised an adequate amount, even if you do not get any chest pain or develop any ECG changes. After the test, you will be instructed to sit down and rest for 5 to 10 minutes, since you may become a little lightheaded during the first several minutes after the test


Stress ecg

L’elettrocardiogramma sotto sforzo, eseguito comunemente tramite uno sforzo fisico (con cyclette o tappeto ruotante) , è un test che serve ad evidenziare la risposta dell’apparato cardiovascolare allo stress. Viene comunemente prescritto per slatentizzare e valutare  la possibile presenza di una ischemia cardiaca in una popolazione a rischio. 

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