The glycemic index

The glycemic index is an attempt to classify foods by the extent to which they raise the blood sugar. In fact different foods with the same caloric value can cause markedly different elevations in the blood sugar causing an increase of insulin blood level. It has been defined as the area under the 2-hour blood glucose response curve for each food expressed as a percent of the area after taking the same number of calories as glucose. In general complex carbohydrates , especially in fiber-rich foods, have low glycemic index. The lowest glycemic indexes are seen with soybeans and other legumes. Interestingly, some simple sugars, such as sucrose,  have lower glycemic indexes than some starches, such as potatoes. Beans and lentils  are much lower on the scale than bread, sweets, and potatoes, but eggs, meat, fish and fowl are virtually zero. As a matter of fact the suggestion is to use foods with low glycemic index because foods high on this index, without protein or fat to buffer their response, are known to cause excessive outpouring of insulin which in turn raises the triglyceride level.


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